In regards to the Glen Road Pedestrian Bridge & Tunnel Replacement Project, the redesign plans for Glen Road South negatively impacts the safety and integrity of the neighborhood. The plans include:

Pictorial History Of The South Road
Our history of Glen Road Village is now completed. Please view the Pictorial History of Glen Road Village Here or by clicking on the image below (PDF) .You can view up close many of the images which grace our very own pages here on the website. A lovely historical document of the area during the 19th and 20th centuries. This document was created by Dahlia and Lee to celebrate our local heritage. Congratulations and Please Enjoy!

An Update With the Community Garden
Pleased to report that the Garden has been mulched, pruned and is now settling into the autumn season. Unfortunately one of the 5 apple trees in the garden succumbed to a nasty fungus and had to be removed by forestry. Its sister tree doesn’t look so good but Sean, the arborist, suggested we give it a chance to recover over the winter. He warned that we’d have to be sure to clear any fallen leaves from around it to keep it healthy.
There was a bumper crop of apples this year and I saw a lot of people helping themselves to the harvest, even a sweet little old lady in a burka filling up a basket.
The split rail fence has been repaired and hopefully gives the garden a rustic, woodland look. Will try to get some flowering plants like cone flowers, brown eyed Susans and sunflowers added to the site to bloom next year. It’s a shame to think of the garden being clear cut as it provides the commuters using the subway a chance to have a natural woodland experience. The canopy of the 2 white mulberry trees in the garden was a godsend, cooling the street during the heat waves we had this past summer.
We have 2 years to try and convince the City to let it be.
Architectural styles
Heritage Designated Houses from Sherbourne to Parliament along Howard and Glen Road:
Different architectural styles of Heritage houses:
- Georgian: 1714-1830’s Example: The Grange (1817), Campbell House(1822) in downtown Toronto.

Response to WebEx Aug. 19 meeting
(For reference, view/download the most recent City Plan for Glen Road Here.)
Some of the improvements made to the design that was presented at the Aug. 19th WebEx meeting are very encouraging and several addressed elements of the Community’s concerns. Hopefully, some further changes can still be reviewed and considered. Deferring at least some of the work in this area would be helpful in settling some of the concerns.
Not stated at the meeting was the information collected from the feedback forms from the WebEx meeting of July 8.
Some of the issues mentioned at the Aug.19 meeting but not fully discussed and resolved included:
- Obtaining “Permit Parking Only” for the street because of the loss of parking spaces.
- Eradicating the Community Garden to put in an East sidewalk and Bikeshare, the size of the Bikeshare, and details about the construction of the retaining wall behind it on the east side.
- Questioning the need for an extended green space into the parking lot as right now any disturbing activity in the open space of the parking lot is easily observed from the building at 451 Bloor Street and more safely reported.
- Creating a design that supports the Historic and Cultural Heritage Value of the area from the subway and tunnel entrance to Howard Street.

The Rebirth of Howard Street
Hello everyone,
The restoration of a decaying Toronto crossroads
This is an old article (2016). Little mention of the towers going up around us. Ownership of different properties has changed yet again but thought you all might be interested in the Heritage aspect. It would be great if the entire area gets designated as a Heritage site. Let’s hope our feedback works for the best in enhanced security, saving the parking, Community Garden, the trees and green space and maintaining the integrity and Heritage feel of Glen Road South.
Thanks, Lee

Webex feedback forms
Hello everyone,
I would just like to point out again how preserving the Heritage feel of Glen Road South and separating the area of Glen Road South from the current Project are important factors to include in the feedback forms.
We have stressed that our major concerns are with safety and preserving a Heritage and Historically significant neighborhood. The Heritage aspect of the street engages the residents and plays an important part in creating a Community.
I’m concerned that a large section of the feedback form is focused on selecting plants and trees for the”expanded green space” and our participation in this selective process being viewed as support for the present design. The present design should not go forward until Community supported changes are made.

Follow Up To The Council Webex Meeting
Hello All,
Just a follow-up on the Webex meeting and the feedback forms.
When we first found out about the Redesign plan for South Glen Road (city pdf presentation) we stressed that our major concerns were for safety and to preserve the Heritage feel of the neighborhood.
There were many issues of concern that weren’t able to be discussed at the meeting with the Design Team controlling the mute. That includes the very important issue of Heritage preservation concerns and the historical significance of the area. We represent the last vestige of the old neighborhood that was bulldozed to build St. Jamestown. When we speak of concern about maintaining the integrity of the neighborhood that includes preserving this legacy of a lost era of Toronto’s history.
How out of touch the Design Team is to the Community is obvious in the chosen mural art work. $275,000 worth of flying Arctic birds and sleeping sled dogs has no relevance to our area and in no way acknowledges the historical significance of Glen Road South. The lack of any consideration for our Community, thought or care in choosing that mural design is highly apparent.
Please consider this important enough to refer to in your feedback.
Thank you,
— ——–

Welcome From Glen Road Village
Today Is The Last Day! Please take a few moments to fill out the City Feedback Form by Monday, July 26, 2021 (Click here).
You may not have received a city council feedback form regarding The Glen Road South re-development plans… If you are unsure of what to say refer to the posts below for ideas.
Again, Please Fill In Your Feedback Here. (Link will open in a new browser window with the actual online City Feedback form page).
Engage, it works.
Thank You So Much Again!