Webex feedback forms

Hello everyone,

I would just like to point out again how preserving the Heritage feel of Glen Road South and separating the area of Glen Road South from the current Project are important factors to include in the feedback forms.

We have stressed that our major concerns are with safety and preserving a Heritage and Historically significant neighborhood. The Heritage aspect of the street engages the residents and plays an important part in creating a Community.

I’m concerned that a large section of the feedback form is focused on selecting plants and trees for the”expanded green space” and our participation in this selective process being viewed as support for the present design. The present design should not go forward until Community supported changes are made.

If you agree that Heritage concerns and separating Glen Road South from the Project are important please include them in your feedback form. If you have already sent in your feedback form but still wish to add these issues please email:

Councillor Wong-Tam,

Jason Diceman,

Violetta Savage,

Cassidy Ritz.

Thank you,

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